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How It Works

This application is solely used to manage and submit VAT returns; integrating with the new HMRC Making Tax Digital service.

Data is currently accepted only in the form of CSV files. The simple format allows either summary or transaction details to be submitted.

Once registered and permissions granted via the HMRC you are able to retrieve your open VAT obligations, upload any number of CSV data files and make a submission for a currently open VAT period to the HMRC.

You are able to clear any uploaded data at any stage; it is not necessary to retain the data once it has been used for a VAT submission.

You are also able to cancel your registration at any point, which will securely remove any associated information.

Here is some example CSV data:

Summary 2018-12-31311220182690053802500500
Summary 2018-12-3131122018Y4000800

The same data could also be presented in more detail:

Invoice #102308112018150003000
Invoice #102408112018100002000
Invoice #102525122018Y4000800
Invoice #1026251220181900380
Expenses 2018-12-31311220182500500

Not all columns need be present when separate uploads are made:

ReferenceDateNet OUTVAT OUT
Invoice #102308/11/2018150003000
Invoice #102408/11/2018100002000
ReferenceDateNet INVAT IN
Expenses 2018-12-312018-12-312500500

IMPORTANT: the column names are case sensitive so please ensure they are accurate, or the data will not be processed correctly.

Hopefully the names are self explanatory, but here are a few more words:

Reference (optional)Description of the data for this row - empty by default
Date (required)Permitted formats: DD/MM/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD or DDMMYYYY. Historical entries may be included in a submission period, but not future.
EC (optional)Indicates whether entry is with countries of the European Community - outside the UK - possible values: Yes/Y/No/N, default N
Net OUT (optional)Net value of sales (without VAT) - default 0.00
VAT OUT (optional)VAT due on Sales - default 0.00
Net IN (optional)Total value of purchases (without VAT) - default 0.00
VAT IN (optional)VAT paid on purchases - default 0.00

Note that you are able to use a minimal descriptive reference (or none at all) to aid in the anonomisation of individual line items in the stored values

All numeric values have an optional two decimal places, for example: 500, or 500.00, or 500.55

An empty or not present numeric column is interpreted as 0.00